Portugal Nomad

Woodcock Notary can guide you through the steps of acquiring a Golden Visa for Portugal.

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What is a Portuguese Nomad Visa?

Having a nomad visa means that you can live in Portugal while working remotely. Unlike a tourist visa, which allows for a more limited stay, the nomad visa lets you stay in the country for an extended period.

There are different types of nomad visa that Portugal offers. The different types allow you to stay for different lengths of time. The D7 visa, for example, allows you to stay for an extended period of five years, while the temporary stay visa allows you to stay for a maximum of three years – after an extension from its original one year.

D7 visas are typically applied for by people who see living in Portugal as a long term goal, while other types of nomad visas are more focussed around the short term.

Why would you want a nomad visa?

One of the main benefits offered by the Portuguese digital nomad visas is the fact that they offer you access to the 26 countries in the Schengen Area. Since the UK left the EU, British nationals can only access this area for 90 days in any 180-day period. A digital nomad visa allows you to travel through Europe the way you wish to.

In addition to this Portugal is often regarded as one the best places in the world to live. Its low cost of living, vibrant culture, and favourable climate are making the country more attractive to remote workers each year.

As well as this, English is widely spoken across many parts of Portugal. This means that fitting in the community is easier than it ever has been for English speakers that settle there.

What are the requirements for the nomad visa?

Each of Portugal’s digital nomad visas come with their own specific requirements but, generally, they all require you to submit the following documents along with your application:

  • A criminal history check that proves you are of good character
  • Your passport (valid for at least three months after the length of your visa)
  • Clear passport-size photographs

Additionally, if you plan on working, you must work remotely as an employee of a company outside of Portugal, or be working as a freelancer or self employed individual. You will also be required to have money available to support yourself, as well as accommodation.

What happens when you get your visa?

Once you get your visa, you will be free to enter Portugal to and begin to work remotely from your chosen accommodation.

Each nomad visa has its own set of specific requirements to fulfil once you actually arrive in Portugal. These conditions should be checked before you decide to travel. We, at Woodcock Law, can help get the necessary checks in order for you to be in the best stead to secure a visa and begin your life in Portugal.

Woodcock Law & Notary Public is here help

If you want to find out more about acquiring a Portuguese Nomad Visa, we can talk you through the steps and provide you with the services you need.

Contact us today on 0800 049 2471 or email info@woodcocknotarypublic.com, or book your 10 minute consultation here.

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