Woodcock Notary Public provides simple and smooth solutions for notary and legalisation requirements for your business.
Woodcock Notary Public provides simple and smooth solutions for notary and legalisation requirements for your business.
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Business Notary Services
Woodcock Notary Public provides businesses with the tailored notarial services they need in order to function and grow.
Our team has assisted hundreds of companies, large and small, in the notarisation of commercial documents. Notarial services are integral to business expansion, particularly into new jurisdictions, and we are proud to have helped our clients do that successfully.
Select one of the services, below, to find out more about how Woodcock Notary Public can help.
Attesting to the Execution and Signature of Documents
An authority may request that a Notary Public is present at the signing of any kind of document – particularly if that authority is outside of the UK. The presence of a notary guarantees that a particular document or contract has been signed by someone whose identification has been verified.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public to notarise your documents, call or email us.
Statutory Declarations
A Statutory Declaration is a formal, written statement to affirm that something is true, to the best knowledge of the person making the declaration. Statutory Declarations have to be signed in the presence of an authorised person – such as a Notary Public.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding a Statutory Declaration, call or email us.
An affidavit is a written statement from a person. It must be signed by the person (the ‘affiant’) and by a Notary Public – or other authorised person. Affidavits are likely to be accepted wherever Statutory Declarations are, provided that the wording features certain details. Affidavits are often required in court proceedings.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding an affidavit, call or email us.
An oath is a written statement from a person, which they swear to be true, invoking a divine witness.
This may not be appropriate for people with no religious beliefs. A declaration is a non-religious alternative to an oath. The signing of oaths must be witnessed by a Notary Public – or other authorised person.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public, regarding an oath or declaration, call or email us.
Certified Accounts
Certified Accounts are copies of a company’s accounts, lodged annually with Companies House (UK). In order to avoid double taxation, it may be a requirement to provide foreign authorities with notarised and legalised copies of these Certified Accounts.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public, regarding Certified Accounts, call or email us.
Overseas VAT Applications
Registering for a VAT number overseas requires documentation that may need to be notarised by a Notary Public. Requirements vary on the particular country or economic area that an individual or business is intending to sell into.
Documents may include true copies of passports and other personal identification, powers of attorney, and proof of VAT in the UK, among others.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public, regarding registrations for VAT overseas, call or email us.
Companies House & UK Incorporation
Certificates of Incorporation
A Certificate of Incorporation is issued by Companies House when a business is incorporated in the UK. The document is available to download from the Companies House website, but may need to be notarised or legalised for use overseas.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Certificates of Incorporation, call or email us.
Certificate of Good Standing
A Certificate of Good Standing is issued by Companies House and verifies the existence and details of UK companies. Foreign authorities may request that companies wishing to conduct business in their country provide this document. Many accept this without notarisation but some, including Spain, often request for it to be notarised. Notaries must order the document directly from Companies House.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Certificates of Good Standing, call or email us.
Articles of Association
An Article of Association is one of a number of documents that may be required when incorporating a business in the UK. Notarised copies may be needed for applications to foreign authorities to set up overseas offices and bank accounts.
An Article of Association is often requested together with a Memorandum of Association. These may need to be notarised separately, depending on the foreign jurisdiction.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Articles of Association, call or email us.
Memorandum of Association
A Memorandum of Association is one of a number of documents that may be required when incorporating a business in the UK. Notarised copies may be needed for applications to foreign authorities to set up overseas offices and bank accounts.
A Memorandum of Association is often requested together with an Article of Association. These may need to be notarised separately, depending on the foreign jurisdiction.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding a Memorandum of Association, call or email us.
Confirmation of Director Details
It may be a requirement, when conducting business overseas, to provide details of company directors. This information is available on the Companies House website but further details may be requested by foreign partners and authorities. These may include copies of passports. In order to produce a True Copy of a passport, a Notary Public will need to meet with the individual to confirm their identity.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding verifications of identity, call or email us.
Foreign Trade
Trade Agreements
Companies engaging in business overseas may require the assistance of a Notary Public. In order to carry out commercial and corporate affairs in foreign jurisdictions, notaries are often needed to prepare and authenticate various documents.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding corporate documentation, call or email us.
Distribution Agreements
A Distribution Agreement usually involves a distributor who buys products from a manufacturer or other seller, before selling them to their own customers.
When distributors and manufacturers are in different countries, the assistance of a Notary Public may be required. This helps to ensure that agreements are valid for authorities in all relevant jurisdictions.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Distribution Agreements, call or email us.
Board Meetings & Actions
Board Resolutions
Some decisions made in board meetings, particularly those relating to foreign business affairs, may require the services of a Notary Public. For example, if a board decides to transfer Power of Attorney to a foreign agent.
Board Resolutions do not need to be witnessed directly by a Notary Public; merely signed by the Company Secretary before the notary.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Board Resolutions, call or email us.
Digital Signature Applications
In some jurisdictions, such as India, company directors wishing to sign documents digitally must make an application in order to obtain a valid digital signature. The applicant must sign the form before a Notary Public, attaching their photograph.
If you require the assistance of a Notary Public regarding Digital Signature Applications, call or email us.
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If you have any questions about our notary, apostille or consular services,
contact Woodcock Notary Public today.
Call us on 0800 049 2471 (free to call) or email
If you have any questions about our notary, apostille or consular services, contact Woodcock Notary Public today.
Call us on 0800 049 2471 (free to call) or email