Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

Home > Our Team > Hayley Mendelow

Hayley Mendelow

Marketing Manager

Hayley is our Marketing Manager and is responsible for managing the Woodcock Law & Notary Public brand, and developing and executing marketing strategies for the business. 

Hayley has worked in B2B publishing in the roles of graphic designer, writer and editor, and also worked in Creative Consulting for small and start-up businesses before joining Woodcock Law & Notary Public in 2020.

Hayley has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Media Studies and English, and an Honours degree in Journalism. She loves learning and thrives on the rapidly changing nature of marketing in the digital age. She is happiest when reading and writing, and enjoys the mix of critical thinking and creativity the job demands.

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Call us on 0800 049 2471 (free to call) or email info@woodcocknotarypublic.com.

If you have any questions about our notary, apostille or consular services, contact Woodcock Notary Public today.

Call us on 0800 049 2471 (free to call) or email info@woodcocknotarypublic.com.

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