Malta Long-stay

If you have been thinking about moving to Malta, Woodcock Law & Notary Public can assist you in applying for your visa. Read on to find out more.

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What is the Malta Long-stay Visa?

The Malta Long-stay Visa is also known as a National Visa. It allows you to stay in Malta for a period longer than three months – which is the standard amount of time allowed for a normal visit.

In addition to a long-stay visa, foreign employees will also need a work permit to work there. This is known as an Employment Licence, or a Malta Work Permit. Below you will find the entry requirements for Malta.

Why would you want one?

The National Long-stay Visa – also referred to as the D Visa or National Visa – is used by migrants who wish to work or study in Malta.

Malta Long-stay Visas, when used in conjunction with Employee Licences, are also beneficial to UK businesses. If you own a company and you’re planning to expand operations to Malta, you’ll need to ensure the employees you relocate there are able to work with the right work visas in place.

If you want to find out more about living in Malta, click here to see the UK Government’s advice on acquiring residency in Malta.

What are the entry requirements for Malta?

If you want to work in Malta for an extended period you will need a National Visa as well as an Employment Licence. Once these have been granted you will be able to start living and working in Malta.

Some of the key Maltese visa requirements are listed below:

  • A completed visa application form
  • A cover letter stating the purpose of your trip to Malta
  • A valid passport with at least two blank pages
  • Two passport-style photos
  • Proof of travel medical insurance coverage for the Schengen area
  • Sufficient funds to cover the length of your stay

To be granted an Employment Licence, you will have to fulfil the following requirements:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of your CV
  • A copy of your visa (if you’re already in Malta)
  • Records of your qualifications
  • A certificate of health

British nationals who plan to travel to Malta should contact the UK Maltese embassy for an up-to-date list of all of the visa requirements. Alternatively, Woodcock Notary Public’s experts will be able to help you with your questions over the phone.

What happens once you get your visa?

Upon approval of both applications, the employee may travel to Malta and begin working.

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